
overview vodafone

The Vodafone Hero Space Module is a concept "banner" interface.

It takes the place of a familiar banner and replaces it with an intuitive, customisable, in-page, Flash AS3 interface.

The hero space is itself a controller module with an in-built menu. There were 4 sub-modules developed for the first version: 2 messaging modules, a map module and a video module.

Also, developer documentation was written for the creation of additional modules, allowing the Hero Space's functionality to be further expanded.

Map Module

Gallery Module

Video Module ~ seems they no longer use this one, might be in the site somewhere still...

There are further messaging, map and video modules dotted throughout the site, that is how they were intended to be used ~ micro-browsers for related content.

Technical Details


  • Flash AS3, stand-alone UI framework
  • Flash AS3, stand-alone video module
  • Flash AS3, stand-alone map module
  • Flash AS3, stand-alone UI module


  • ActionScript3
  • XML configuration
  • Extendable core classes
  • Developer documentation